Introducing The “Inside the War Room” Blog

I have wanted to start this content series, “Inside the War Room”, for quite a while now. In all transparency, there were a few things holding me back, like for example, would anyone be interested in getting a look at how I do strategic planning for my small start-up business, or would people even find these blog posts because I am not really optimizing them for search. This content series is probably more like an online journal for myself to look back at my successes and failures, but I figure it can’t hurt to make it public in hopes that it will help others out there who stumble across it.

Why is it called “Inside the War Room”?

Many in the business world might be familiar with the concept of a war room. Prior to much of the corporate world going remote, it was not uncommon for companies to have a dedicated conference room focused on supporting the efforts of a large, mission critical project. The war room would be filled with whiteboards, dry erase markers, Post-It Notes, and binders filled with planning documents. Post-COVID, war rooms still exist, just many in digital form now.

However, more important than what is in a war room is what happens in the war room. The strategy war room is where real-time information and data is analyzed, monitored, and shared across the team to support strategic planning and decision-making processes.

Even though I am only a company of one, I treat my office as a strategic war room. All my best thinking and planning happens in this room, behind the scenes of my website. This content series is meant to invite my readers into my war room and show the plans I am putting together.

What you can expect if you follow the “Inside the War Room” content series

The different tools I discuss on my blog are ones I use myself (Porters Four Corners, Hoshin Kanri, etc.), and while I try and show examples in those blog posts, I figure showing you real examples of how I use them is even better.

I am also a very data-driven entrepreneur, so I will give you a look inside the metrics I review to help me make decisions.

Finally, I learn something new every day trying to build my business. I want to share all of that as I go and hope that some of the things I learn can help others.

I want to hear from you!

I would love to hear from you if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. Please drop me a note and let’s connect!

Bob Stanke

Bob Stanke is a marketing technology professional with over 20 years of experience designing, developing, and delivering effective growth marketing strategies.

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